Beau Peep Notice Board > Outpourings


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Diane CBPFC:
Just started snowing today and I have started feeding the birds - black oil sunflower seeds and a block of bird suet. 

First guest was a black-capped chickadee :-) 

Haven't seen snow at our place in a few years.

Diane CBPFC:
Well, it took three trips to the city until black oil sunflower seeds were in stock. There is a great demand for bird seed this year in the same way as flour was speeding off the shelves in March.

I had to know I would have enough for the winter (what I normally do) so I could set the amount I feed each day. They get dependent on a feeder and I wouldn't want them to starve.

As usual, they bird feeding really cheers me up - I think this must be my 8th winter doing it. 

Diane CBPFC:
The chickadees let me hand feed them.

Roger Kettle:
Lovely photo, Diane.
I have a friend in Red Lodge, Montana, who is up to his knees in snow at the moment. He also has a full-time job trying to keep bears out of his trash cans.
We have sparrows in our garden.


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