Beau Peep Notice Board
Beau Peep Notice Board => Outpourings => Topic started by: Mince on September 19, 2009, 09:09:36 AM
As I have a lot of work to do at the moment, I am going to try an experiment.
For seven days, I will see if I can do what Vulture does. I will go to bed at 12pm and get up at 4am.
I wonder if I can survive on just 4 hours sleep a night.
Wish me luck.
Mince, I will wish you luck as it is terrible when you have a lot to do.
According to ancient folklore, if you went to bed before midnight, you benefit from the sleep twice as much than if you'd gone after midnight. So if you were asleep between 11 and 12 this would be the equivalent of two hours sleep.
I very often go to bed at nine and wake at around 1am feeling as though I've had a really good night's sleep.
Try your 12 - 4, and if you start to feel really knackered, go for an earlier sleep.
I might try 11 to 3 the week after. :-\
I wonder if I can survive on just 4 hours sleep a night.
Never in a million years!
As I have a lot of work to do at the moment, I am going to try an experiment.
I wonder if I can survive on just 4 hours sleep a night.
No. Well, you might be able to survive, but your work may suffer and you won't be good for anything.
I start on Monday, obviously.
you notice he did not say what monday
As I have a lot of work to do at the moment, I am going to try an experiment.
For seven days, I will see if I can do what Vulture does. I will go to bed at 12pm and get up at 4am.
I wonder if I can survive on just 4 hours sleep a night.
Wish me luck.
How did the experiment work out?
Did anyone notice that he indicated he would be sleeping 16 hours? Excuse me for being an ignorant American, but do you not refer to midnight as 12AM and noon as 12PM in Britain?
I will go to bed at 12pm and get up at 4am..
You are entirely correct, Feather, as well as being a good looking bird, so I perhaps feel more drawn to your side of the argument than I might otherwise.
What the hell, it's Mince. I'm on your side come hell or high water.
You are entirely correct, Feather, as well as being a good looking bird, so I perhaps feel more drawn to your side of the argument than I might otherwise.
Thank you, Malc, for agreeing with me. By the way, you're no slouch in the looks department either.
I don't have an avatar anymore. It's gone missing. :(
Mince had it away with quite a few of the avatars. I think he flogged them at a car boot sale somewhere.
Thank you, Malc, for agreeing with me. By the way, you're no slouch in the looks department either.
There you go, Malc. I'm slightly manlier than poo, and you're slightly more attractive than a slouch.
I say we start a club called the "Slightly Mores".
I don't have an avatar anymore. It's gone missing. :(
What is it with you and avatars?
By the way, you're no slouch in the looks department either
Thanks, but it took me a number of years to come up with a photo where I didn't look like Kenny Everett's stunt double.
I say we start a club called the "Slightly Mores".
More like O Tempora O Mores
By the way, you're no slouch in the looks department either
Thanks, but it took me a number of years to come up with a photo where I didn't look like Kenny Everett's stunt double.
See, what you do, Malc, is take the photo as far away as possible so that you're still recognisable, crop it a bit so it doesn't show everything, make sure you've got your sunnies on to hide any 'little' lines around the eyes, include a bit of scenery and maybe a little pink ribbon to take the focus off yourself and the overall effect is not too bad. :P
Nice avatar, Joan - is that Roy Orbison?
Nice avatar, Joan - is that Roy Orbison?
Ha, ha, TT. :\ You could at least have picked a female. Apparently my instructions don't help to reduce the likeness to persons of dubious attractiveness, Malc. I would change it back to the Opera House and Princes Street, but then nobody would get the point of my post.
Don't let Ginger Nuts put you off, Joan, you're an absolute babe.
Don't let Ginger Nuts put you off, Joan, you're an absolute babe.
Is that Tark's biscuit preference, or are you talking underpantually? ???
I'm talking underpantually, but of course without having first hand proof.
I'm assuming that a ginger beard is visual evidence of ginger elsewhere, though those lower extremities are often the first to go grey.
Having said that, grey or not, the fact that they once WERE ginger.....
Look, you're a ginge forever.
Sometimes, Malc, you can be really sweet. Delusional, but sweet. :-*
My, what a fascinating conversation.
My, what a fascinating conversation.
Hmm.. yes. Definitely pubescent!
;D Good one, Vulch!
Some people get very defensive when you talk about their cruets. Me, I'm an open book.
Moby Dick.
I thought I'd be the first to get it in.
Ooo-er, matron.
:D :D :D
I don't have an avatar anymore. It's gone missing. :(
What is it with you and avatars?
Apparently they are so stunning that they create havoc wherever I go.