Beau Peep Notice Board

Beau Peep Notice Board => Outpourings => Topic started by: Roger Kettle on May 13, 2023, 09:24:41 AM

Title: Holiday.
Post by: Roger Kettle on May 13, 2023, 09:24:41 AM
My wife and I are off for a week's break tomorrow. Our plane leaves at 6.45 a.m., which sounds reasonable until you remember you have to be at the airport two hours before it departs. Add on another hour and a quarter to GET to the airport and you realise you'll be getting up at 2.30 in the morning. I hope to be asleep before the plane's wheels are up.
I'm looking forward to the break as it's been a difficult few months with far too many funerals to attend and a bout of Covid thrown in. That first cold beer in the evening sunshine will taste very nice indeed!
Be good.
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 13, 2023, 10:38:53 AM
Sounds like a much needed and well-timed break for you and Lady K, Roger. Enjoy that beer, and the rest...
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Diane CBPFC on May 13, 2023, 03:00:19 PM
have fun in the sun, and a nap by the pool :-)
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Mince on May 14, 2023, 02:31:43 PM
Where are you off to?
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 14, 2023, 08:17:52 PM
Nowhere. I'm still here.
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Mince on May 15, 2023, 01:35:25 PM
So you admit that Scotland is nowhere.
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 15, 2023, 04:31:43 PM
Absolutely! I'm a very proud native. 
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Roger Kettle on May 22, 2023, 10:02:10 AM
Where are you off to?
Portugal. Home now after a very pleasant week of swimming in the sunshine. I now have the tanned, toned body of a Greek god.
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Diane CBPFC on May 22, 2023, 01:55:06 PM
Don't the Portuguese have their own gods? 
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 22, 2023, 02:08:22 PM
Eusebio. That's it, I think. Maybe Ronaldo.

And Roger...
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Mince on May 23, 2023, 12:24:19 PM
I now have the tanned, toned body of a Greek god.

You kidnapped someone from Portugal?

Out of interest, did you holiday in Albufeira?
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Roger Kettle on May 23, 2023, 07:41:31 PM
In nearby Sao Rafael. It's been a regular haunt over the years and much quieter than its noisy neighbour!
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Diane CBPFC on May 25, 2023, 03:40:48 PM
I just looked it up, quite close to Gibraltar - have you ever been tempted to pop down there and see the apes?
Title: Re: Holiday.
Post by: Roger Kettle on May 26, 2023, 09:52:20 AM
I haven't, Diane. Going to Gibraltar would require a bit of effort on my part---not something I'm renowned for.