« Last post by Roger Kettle on October 26, 2024, 08:47:06 PM »
To be honest, Zesty, I have no problem with my family's lack of interest in my work. I find it quite amusing. At one stage, Beau Peep was dropped by The Star for about a year before reader reaction brought it back. On its return, the paper's front page splash read something like "Britain's funniest strip is back today!" My son, who was about 10 at the time, said "That's not true, is it?" I replied that it was indeed true---Beau Peep was back in The Star. "No" he responded "I meant the bit about it being Britain's funniest strip." On another occasion, after he'd left school, my son got a part-time job working with greenkeepers at an Open Championship in St. Andrews. During a tea-break, one of them turned to a cap-wearing colleague and said that he "looked like Andy Capp". He then turned to my son and said "You probably don't know who I'm talking about". Now, I was writing Andy Capp at the time and his response was not "MY DAD WRITES ANDY CAPP!" It was "I've heard of it". I absolutely love that!