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Outpourings / Re: Beau Peep books
« Last post by Roger Kettle on October 12, 2024, 08:52:03 AM »
I still have the complete set. I remain the only member of my family who has even glanced at them!
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on October 12, 2024, 08:47:16 AM »
Really? What can I say? It's the right answer.
Outpourings / Beau Peep books
« Last post by Mince on October 12, 2024, 08:36:56 AM »
I used to proudly own most of the Beau Peep books, but then friends began noticing and sneering, telling me that I would be bullied relentlessly if word got out, so I sold them.

So if anyone has any they are willing to lend for free permanently, that would be cool.

Apparently, Book 2 sells for £50.

Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Mince on October 11, 2024, 10:14:31 PM »
You were there!

Yeah, but even with me there I'm baffled as to how you arrived at 120.
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on October 11, 2024, 06:33:14 PM »
You were there!
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Mince on October 11, 2024, 12:56:28 PM »
Last night, I gave my age away when I quickly answered "120" to the question "How many farthings were there in a half-crown?"

Did he point to you before you answered, and was the question in fact "How many of you old farts are as deaf as this daft clown?"
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on October 11, 2024, 10:51:02 AM »
Zesty, the quiz we do isn't one of those "official" types. One of our group asks us about 25 questions from a book of his and it's just a matter of who shouts out the answer first. Generally, any other customers in the pub join in. The whole thing takes less than ten minutes. (Last night, I gave my age away when I quickly answered "120" to the question "How many farthings were there in a half-crown?") The quiz is not taken particularly seriously. I would estimate that half the answers offered are along the lines of "Who gives a ****?"
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by ZestyWhite on October 09, 2024, 12:44:31 PM »
That's a lot to cram into 90 minutes - and a very early start for a pub quiz.

Before having children*, my wife and I and another couple used to participate in a quiz in our local every Thursday and I would often lament the slow pace of proceedings, which were presumably designed to bore the teams into buying another few rounds. We'd never have been out of there in an hour and half.
We finished runner up more times than Jimmy White, losing whatever lead we had built up in the music round, on account of our subject knowledge being narrow and niche. Occasionally, the winners would take pity on us and pass us the two bottles of rosé paint stripper that served as a prize - which was nice. It wasn't a cartoon by a Python or a Kettle - but it was a nice gesture.

*The last time we attended that particular quiz, I won the £200 jackpot. I was surprised when my wife was non-committal about my luck/trivia prowess, but as we learned a few hours later, she was in labour with our daughter at the time, so I'll let her off.
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on October 03, 2024, 08:33:29 AM »
I know, I know!
Outpourings / Re: Down the pub.
« Last post by Mince on October 02, 2024, 07:53:57 PM »
Every Thursday, around 5.30, I meet up with some friends for about an hour and a half to share a couple of beers

You dirty stop-out!
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