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Outpourings / Re: Move over Gilbert O'Sullivan
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 05, 2024, 10:36:58 AM »
Buy a new mirror.
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Mince on May 04, 2024, 08:09:06 PM »
Mate, I've a horrible feeling that Dundee United's return to the top flight will be brief but I'll enjoy the moment!

Have they considered having Richard and Hannah play for them?
Outpourings / Re: Move over Gilbert O'Sullivan
« Last post by Mince on May 04, 2024, 08:05:22 PM »
I think we'll have to agree to disagree, before this gets extremely ugly.

Yeah, but for me it's just so frustrating constantly having to agree with people who are wrong.
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Mince on May 04, 2024, 08:02:41 PM »
Move over Hollywood---our wee village is taking over!

Not to disparage your indulgence in 'Our Village's Got Talent' show, but I have never been interested in what celebrities get up to based solely on their geographical connection. Admittedly, as a two-time winner of 'Town's Most Apathetic Resident' and sole curator of 'Local Celebrities I Couldn't Care Less About', I ought to point out that this kind of naive jingoistic banner-waving hometown love is what leads ultimately to intertown Christmas-decoration fights, re-enactments of flower-arranging battles or even, at its worst, supporting Dundee United.

In all seriousness though, hats off to Richard and Hannah for putting your wee village on the map!

Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on May 01, 2024, 01:19:31 PM »
Mate, I've a horrible feeling that Dundee United's return to the top flight will be brief but I'll enjoy the moment!
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 01, 2024, 12:30:14 PM »
I started watching it last week, Roger, and found it a little too dark for late-night viewing, so abandoned it half-way through episode one. I've since gone back... twice... and am now 5 minutes away from finishing it (the first episode I mean). At this rate, I'll have a full review of the whole series by Christmas (it's already giving me nightmares). I'll try watching it a little earlier in the day perhaps...

Good to hear of Hannah's progress. I've not watched Granite Harbour at all as yet, so a bit of binge-watching to do there. I'm off to the Granite City on Saturday, hoping for a thriller at Pittodrie.

Hopefully, I'll get over to your village soon too, to congratulate you on Dundee United's splendid return to the top flight, thanks to all those ex-Saints players in the squad. :D That's assuming I can fight my way through the throngs of paparazzi lining the streets of the multi-talented village these days, not least outside the home of the creator of Beau Peep!
Outpourings / Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on May 01, 2024, 10:09:30 AM »
Netflix has a series running at the moment called Baby Reindeer. It's a dark, Scottish comedy-drama and is topping the ratings all over the place. I don't have Netflix so I haven't seen anything of it other than a few clips. The reason it interests me is that the creator and star of the show, Richard Gadd, is from my village. He is a friend of my son's and, as a teenager, was often in my house. A smashing lad and a great character, I'm so pleased to see him doing so well. He won the top award at the Edinburgh Fringe a few years back and has been commissioned by the BBC to produce a series for them.
While we're on the subject, my friend's daughter, Hannah Donaldson---also from the village---returns this week on BBC in her lead role in Granite Harbour, the detective series set in Aberdeen. The critics were unanimous in praising her performance in the first series and I'm confident that will be repeated. I've known her all her life and she's a lovely girl and a hugely talented actress.
Move over Hollywood---our wee village is taking over!
Outpourings / Re: Move over Gilbert O'Sullivan
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on April 30, 2024, 07:47:23 PM »
I think we'll have to agree to disagree, before this gets extremely ugly.
Outpourings / Re: Move over Gilbert O'Sullivan
« Last post by Mince on April 30, 2024, 07:28:35 PM »
Na-na-na. Na nanna na.

No, it's:

Na-na-na. Nanna na na.
Outpourings / Re: Move over Gilbert O'Sullivan
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on April 30, 2024, 07:22:00 PM »
Na-na-na. Na nanna na.
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