I started watching it last week, Roger, and found it a little too dark for late-night viewing, so abandoned it half-way through episode one. I've since gone back... twice... and am now 5 minutes away from finishing it (the first episode I mean). At this rate, I'll have a full review of the whole series by Christmas (it's already giving me nightmares). I'll try watching it a little earlier in the day perhaps...
Good to hear of Hannah's progress. I've not watched Granite Harbour at all as yet, so a bit of binge-watching to do there. I'm off to the Granite City on Saturday, hoping for a thriller at Pittodrie.
Hopefully, I'll get over to your village soon too, to congratulate you on Dundee United's splendid return to the top flight, thanks to all those ex-Saints players in the squad.
That's assuming I can fight my way through the throngs of paparazzi lining the streets of the multi-talented village these days, not least outside the home of the creator of Beau Peep!