I once asked a very rich man how he got so wealthy. He said "when I was a small boy in primary school, my family was so poor that my mother could not afford to buy me lunch, but we had an apple tree so she gave me two apples.
I shined those apples and made them so attractive that the other kids wanted to eat them, and I sold them to my classmates, earning myself five cents per apple.
Whilst those apples were in season I sold more to the other kids, missing out on my lunch, until I had enough to buy a fruit barrow. After five years in the fruit market, I bought myself a fruit shop, and worked that fruit shop day and night until, after fifteen years, I had enough to buy a small fruit wholesale business"
I then said "so you got rich working hard selling fruit -that's a great tale of determination" He said "fruit? F*ck fruit! My rich auntie Bessie died the next year and left me millions in her will!".