This is probably the last one, I'm off to take some photo's shortly, stock car racing, first time for me so g-d knows what the pictures will look like. Not much of a shock to anyone hear I should imagine, but this one clearly highlights my love of all things Thatcherite, I think this one was written somewhere around the time of the miners strike.
The struggleAnd in the days that come
And in the days that pass
The struggle will continue
The struggle of men and class
Rich men in their mansions
Will thrust and weal their power
Will lie and cheat and even kill
Safely in their ivory tower
They finance political parties
Control the popular press
They twist the truth in order
To subjugate, cover and oppress
If a man comes forward
To fight for mortal man
They smash is reputation
Destroy whenever they can
They manipulate elections
With bribes with lies with hate
Dishonour any honest man
And cast him to his fate
They make puppet politicians
And cry democracy
State police and riot squads
How small can freedom be
Yes that's your Mrs Thatcher
Puppet oh so grand
Multinational puppet strings
Lashed to bind her hand
The countries course is set
Thus we hear her cry
As the puppet masters jostle
To see the people die
Perhaps there is no answer
Perhaps no one can see
The damage multinationals
Do to you and me