I can't believe it's a month since I last posted anything! I was going to have a wee swearing session seeing as Roger said I could if I wanted to, but seeing that poor old Fyodor has undergone bypass surgery and finding out that a friend's father has very advanced cancer, my whinges pale into insignificance. Still, maybe I could have a go for all three of us ...
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I'm coming good really, just felt a bit sorry for myself in the days following my last treatment - more fatigued and nausea not nice. Went to see doctor and I'm going to take the steroids for longer, which should help with the nausea. I had the Herceptin this time - don't think there were any side effects, although my eyelids are twitching sometimes, which didn't happen before. Doc didn't pay much attention to that. 3 chemo treatments down and 3 to go - half way there. I still have some hair - not much, but enough to brush it. It looks like my mother's when she was in her late 80s, very wispy, not quite so gray, though. At least something sticks out when I wear scarves.
Son is presently coming to the end of a holiday in Thailand - he managed to lose his wallet within 24 hours of landing in Phuket, so big panic to get us to cancel his cards and work out how to get more cash to him. Don't really want to know what he's up to over there, but couldn't resist a look at his Facebook wall - big mistake! Be glad when he's back home safe. Will we ever stop worrying about them?
Kate turned 20 last week - my baby is no longer a teenager! She got into the Fashion Design course she wanted to do at college, part time, not full time as she wanted, but it's very difficult to get in at all, so she's done well.
We've had rain and storms overnight and it's still coming down now - nice and cool though - about 22C. Hope it's not too cold wherever you are.