Looks great, Diane---I like Chinese food. What are those round things to the lower left of the bread? Sweet and sour pork balls? I'll probably feel like asking those questions again in 45 minutes.
Those were chicken balls in plum sauce with pineapple. Both the meat dishes were frozen box entrees - the hardest part of the cooking was the stir-fry veggies. THe dragon shaped bread was fun to do - it was an idea found on Pintrest.com
We don't normally celebrate Chinese new year but I had to have our beagle put to sleep last week (kidney failure) so this was a good diversion for my sad kids. Kate had fun making a paper dragon. (Another idea from Pintrest).
Sorry to hear your bad news about your beagle, Diane.
The food looks great - those chicken balls look a bit like cherry tomatoes from here. I hadn't realised chickens had balls, so it was an understandable mistake.
Bread making is a bit of an endless chore with all that kneading etc - I'm not surprised you called it drag-on bread.