First, hello...that's the pleasantries dealt with. I have a "vague" question which can probably only be answered by someone who put it delicately...possibly too much interest in Beau Peep, you know the unhealthy kind of interest...Beau Peep pyjamas, a pillowcase with a life size head of the Nomad...
Anyway, more years ago than lots, I was sitting in my favourite barbers [sadly I don't have or need one now], and whilst awaiting my turn was browsing an old Beau Peep book which had two or three strips regarding an accountant, or about accountancy which I found particularly funny, given I was one at the time [an accountant I mean].
So before I leap over to E-B*y and part with any money-laundered loot, does anyone possibly recall the particular book it might have been?
As a clue there was a lot of desert in it, some legionnaires, the odd camel...