...I actually owned a Beau Beep book? Well it was a long time ago, I think the calendar has shifted since to Gregorian Chant or something. Anyway, it's here!!! My first Beau Peep book purchased on EB*y was waiting for me when I got in, and after a hard day at the orifice too! I gently opened the package, which one would it be I wondered, and as I slid the book out of the package and saw the number, I actually heard in my head "Dah Dah Daahhh" It was number 13... You must remember "Dah Dah Daahhh", it was the music that always played at a dramatic moment, just to highten the sense of...aaggh!
So I have book 13, no biggie, never believed all that nonsense anyway, maybe if I don't read it...