In another topic Bilthehut resurrected an old questionnaire created by Diane, who acknowledged it was, shall we say, a tad intrusive [to almost a morticians level one might add]. It got me thinking it might be interesting to subject honour a fellow forum member with a series of questions [maximum of three?] from some/none/all of the other members. Naturally this could prove contentious, so it would seem only fair that as the instigator I should be subjected honoured first, therefore I nominate Bilthehut.
So Bilthehut, my questions are as follows, naturally candour, disclosure and even a hint of truth would be appreciated in any responses you might care to make.
1 You’re on a ship and it is unfortunate enough to be sinking, one lifeboat remains with only two places available, and there are three remaining passengers, so if you had to make the decision, who would be saved? Your three passengers are yourself, Roger Kettle and Jane Fonda [looking rather attractive in one of those outfits from the film Barbarella].
2 Who told you the truth about Santa?
3 Politically speaking do you swing to the left, swing to the right or just dangle in the middle?