Author Topic: 'Tis the season.  (Read 1409 times)

Offline Roger Kettle

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'Tis the season.
« on: December 21, 2022, 07:27:28 PM »
Well, it's once again time to wish you all a very happy festive season. I hope that each and every one of you has a wonderful time.
My own Christmas table will return to its full complement of diners---the pandemic meant that my sister and niece were unable to join us for the last two years---so I'm looking forward to it. Actually, there will be an extra face at the table in the shape of my 7-month-old granddaughter but it seems a bit of a stretch to call her a "diner". I wasn't going to invite her at first as I'm pretty sure she hasn't got me a present. So far, she has shown little interest in online shopping. I jest, of course. It will be a joy to share her first Christmas with her.
Be safe, healthy and happy, everyone!

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2022, 10:10:43 PM »
Sounds lovely, it's going to be hard to get a turn with the baby with aunties wanting a hold too. Let's hope she doesn't give you a little present when it's your turn.

Our three adult kids are all still single, hopefully they will all make it home. We are in the midst of a very cold snap -41C with wind chill of -56C. It is so cold that some of the paint fell off the door LOL Things are supposed to warm up on Friday. 

I have two fun little things planned - the giving of a book/chocolate on Christmas Eve - made popular online from the Icelandic Jolabokaflod tradition. I did this last in 2018 and my oldest liked it so I thought I would do it again. The other fun thing is a new set of 8 children's bells (age 3+) that we will share around and play Christmas carols to colour coded music.  Not sure if the family will participate or not but I've had fun with them anyway. 
People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad

Offline Roger Kettle

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2022, 08:16:45 PM »
Ooh, Diane, that's cold! I hope the forecast is right and things warm up a bit.
Whatever happens, have a great time with the family. May your bells ring out on Christmas day!

Offline Max

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2022, 01:52:29 PM »
A Christmas dinner for two at the Campbell hovel. Seen both sons and grandchildren this week so all pressies delivered (apart from the 8ft slide for Ewan).
Then for Hogmanay we're heading up to Elie in Fife to the Ship Inn for a gala dinner, back in the New Year once I'm sober.

Best wishes to all the Peeps, may health, wealth and happiness be yours.

Offline Tarquin Thunderthighs lll

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2022, 06:16:38 PM »
Ah - can't beat wee smiling faces at Christmas, and I'm sure your granddaughter will love seeing yours. Hope you have lots of fun! It'll be even better next year, when she's more aware, and has her own Amazon account!

When you say "warm up", Diane... would we be be talking about the relatively balmy -30s? I cannot conceive of such extremes. As per usual, most of the UK south of the border ground to a halt the other week when temperatures dipped a couple of degrees below zero. But even we hardy Scots would do the same long before we got anywhere near what you regularly experience at this time of year. Enjoy your fun things! Sounds delightful.

And I hope the Ship In  does you proud, Max. I popped into the bar there a few years back... interesting latrines as I recall.

I would normally be working on my regular Sunday cartoon for Monday's paper (the only day of the year they don't publish is Christmas Day, but that's obviously put together on Christmas Eve). But I've managed to wangle the day off by getting ahead with a non-topical offering this year, so I'll be spending the day with two of my daughters and my older two grandkids in their lochside house in the forest just north of Perth, and there will be sprouts! Had a meal with my youngest daughter on Wednesday, and will be nipping over to Edinburgh to see the second youngest tomorrow, along with my other two grandsons, the newest of which is four months younger than Roger's granddaughter. I was at the local panto for the third time last night (long story), and looking forward to seeing it twice more before New Year's Day (same long story). This has been a truly roller-coaster year, all things considered, including world events, and I hope and pray for a far more settled year ahead. I'll happily trade the highs for fewer lows.

And then there's this. Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I apologise, in advance.

Offline Roger Kettle

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2022, 09:53:26 AM »
Superb, as always, Steve. You kindly sent me an advance peep which my good lady and I hugely enjoyed. Your annual videos have become an essential part of Christmas!
Sounds like you're about to have an extremely busy festive season---have a great time!

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2022, 07:35:37 PM »
Excellent cartoon Tarqs, I like seeing the highlights and shiny bits being added :-)

Our three kids made it home, I cooked up a storm for four days, and now they are all heading home. Much warmer -15C but snowy road conditions.

The bells were a hit, teamwork was needed to get them sounding like the carol we were aiming for.

Glad that everyone got to spend time with family, it has been 2 years since I last had all the kids tucked away snugly in their beds Christmas night, and as we go forward and people get married and have families of their own, it will be even more of a rare occurrence.  Best feeling in the world for mums when it happens.

Back to having the house to myself right now and enjoying the birds at the feeder, one of my favourite things about winter.   
People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad

Offline Roger Kettle

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Re: 'Tis the season.
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2022, 08:17:38 PM »
I love how you say that -15C is warmer!
Anyway, it sounds like you had a great Christmas. Let's make it a double with a great New Year!
Be warm and happy, Diane.