Beau Peep Notice Board > Outpourings

You'll find me in the garden.

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Diane CBPFC:
I have gone a little garden crazy this year. We had a very early spring - the lilacs bloomed 3-4 weeks early and I got into the veggie garden early. A lot of it was the 2.5 weeks of fire evacuation alert readiness - the garden was a welcome retreat from worry.

Having such a head start this year, I took on two new projects up by the house, a raspberry bed and widening a bed that only held bitter cherry bushes (pretty) and lungwort to make it into a more fancy perennial bed with roses, spirea and irises etc. To be fair, without my son coming up and helping with the bed widening project it wouldn't have happened because under the grass unseen was a mass of big tree roots that had to be axed - it is handy to have a boy built like a Viking at times :-)

So that's what I've been up to, proper gardening with bits of string in my pocket and spraying diatomaceous earth on my cucs listening to the bees and the birds and cheeky squirrels. 

Roger Kettle:
That's an impressive garden, Diane---allied with some impressive gardening.
My own garden is what I like to call "au naturel". It has the untamed splendour of a miniature Serengeti. All it lacks is a herd of grazing wildebeest making its way south in search of richer pastures. I find it impossible to look at without hearing a David Attenborough narration in my head. Okay, a slight exaggeration but my fingers certainly ain't green. However, I do like the garden and my family spent a very happy afternoon in it ten days ago to celebrate my granddaughter's first birthday. (Yes, I know, it's only two minutes since we discussed her arrival on here). So, in fact, I HAVE managed to cultivate some things in it---memories!

Diane CBPFC:
That sounds like a lovely way to use the garden.

You just need to put up a sign "bee friendly garden" and you can get away with the natural look, in fact you are trending in current garden design :-)

Roger Kettle:
I knew it!

Tarquin Thunderthighs lll:
Just for emphasis and clarity, Roger - that's "BEE"... no 'R'.


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