Author Topic: Summer 2023  (Read 2005 times)

Offline Tarquin Thunderthighs lll

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Re: Summer 2023
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2023, 12:53:30 PM »
There's always one...sometimes two... that have to go and spoil it all after the Biblical events come to an end. I gather it was the beavers that gnawed the ark to bits once the floods subsided.

Must have been awesome to see those blue skies again, Diane. We're still waiting over in Scotland. But then we always are.
I apologise, in advance.

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: Summer 2023
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2023, 05:22:39 PM »
could have been the termites? Two lucky termites who won the lotto. (As much as I like to blame everything on the beavers.)

Talking of wood, I bought some summer tops that are made of wood fabric "EcoCosy" - I looked it up online, turns out it is biodegradable but doesn't let you know how much time you have before your tops disappear. 

The blue skies are wonderful and also the air quality red notice is finally gone from the online forecast, feels like we are back in summer mode again which is good because i don't know how long I will have my new summer tops :-)
People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: Summer 2023
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2023, 07:25:34 PM »
Now our local town is under a water shortage advisory (no watering of gardens, washing cars etc) this happened last summer too. We have lived here since '89 and this is new.

Really has been every kind of weather lately - we even had that small earthquake last year.

I am only short of water due to the beaver chewing up my electric line to the pond.

And its raining - strange times.

People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad