Author Topic: Oscars Anyone?  (Read 780 times)

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Oscars Anyone?
« on: March 12, 2024, 08:34:30 PM »
I think this year must have been a record for how many movies people could stream at home before the big event. Made the show much more interesting when you have seen a batch of them :-)

Normally I mostly watch to jot down titles of movies I may like to see one day and of course ogle the marvelous outfits. 
People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad

Offline Roger Kettle

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Re: Oscars Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2024, 10:16:20 AM »
I thought it was interesting this year that the two most talked-about movies were one about the invention of the most devastating weapon mankind has ever known...and one about a doll.

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: Oscars Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2024, 04:52:26 PM »
It seems to me that there are too few Oscars handed out in the most important categories. It is also hard to judge movies against each other when they are so different. Maybe time for some new categories such as comedy, sci-fi, fantasy etc and give out more awards to the people the audiences have heard of.  And I would for sure give those nominated but not won a silver Oscar to take home for their mantles. 

People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: Oscars Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2024, 02:31:18 PM »
In fact we should all get an Oscar just for viewing - not a full size one of course. 
People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad

Offline Tarquin Thunderthighs lll

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Re: Oscars Anyone?
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2024, 05:22:56 PM »
In fact we should all get an Oscar just for viewing - not a full size one of course.

Great idea, Diane, as was the silver one.

For the past few years, I have tried to watch as many of the Oscar nominees for Best Picture as I can. Mostly streaming before the ceremony, and occasionally at the cinema. A few I haven't bothered with (possibly my loss more than theirs), usually based on genre or subject matter. But never reviews - I try hard to avoid them before watching anything so that I can make up my own mind, and often strongly disagree with the majority opinion as a result (yes, I'll have a quick look after watching... and often a chuckle). Last year, I agreed with the winner (All Quiet On The Western Front), but was totally unimpressed by Triangle Of Sadness and Tár... and found The Banshees Of Inisherin excruciating to watch (still makes me wince thinking about it).

This year, I've only seen three of the nominated films so far, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed for very different reasons, but also for the fact they were all biopics of real people. Oppenheimer was brilliant, and deserved it's Oscar in my view. Maestro was also a great watch and unlucky to miss out on winning any of its eight nominated categories. But the one I enjoyed most was Barbie, which totally surprised me. It was the only one I saw at the cinema, and I went with my 8-year-old granddaughter, who had seen it only two days before, but did an amazing job of keeping the lid on any spoilers (although I knew when most of them were coming, as she looked to see my reaction a split second before - which was adorable and added to my entertainment!). I hugely enjoyable movie, and in many ways deeply profound... (though mostly not. :D).

I apologise, in advance.

Offline Diane CBPFC

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Re: Oscars Anyone?
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2024, 09:32:44 PM »
Tarqs, I thought All Quiet was brilliant when I watched it but could watch it again as not much stayed in my memory. I too thought Banshees was awful - I was expecting another Waking Ned Devine type masterpiece but it was truly dreadful - when you have to rely on incest and suicide to lighten the plot you should know you've made a shite movie.

It was lovely that your granddaughter took you to a movie she had already seen, I bet she felt really grown up not spilling the beans on the plot.   

I watched most of the movies this year - haven't watched Maestro yet. I can't believe I watched both Zone of Interest and Anatomy of a Fall without recognizing they had the same female lead lol

One movie I watched after the awards was Nyad - Annette Benning did a marvelous job of matching her facial expressions and voice with the real person whose clips were shown throughout the movie. She also did some amazing swimming in rough water. After seeing this I would have picked her for the female lead award. 

One movie I like more and more as I think about it is Past Lives - not trying too hard to tell a big story or be politically correct - just a gentle relationship story about ordinary people.   
People will come from strange lands to hear me speak my words of wisdom. They will ask me the secret of life and I will tell them. Then maybe I'll finish off with a song. The Nomad