Thank you, Tom.
I cannot tell a lie - the "Blerrrgh!" bit came before I went to bed and yes, I did get there and the bottle is not finished and isn't likely to be for a long time, seeing as I'm the only one who (occasionally) drinks it. Dalwhinnie revenge definitely kicked in in the morning - managed to get up and feed the dog, then went back to bed. By the time I posted here it was late afternoon and Dalwhinnie was still having its revenge on me, but it's amazing how one can create the illusion of being in fine fettle, when in fact, one's head feels like a lead weight, is slowly drooping towards the keyboard, and the inside of one's tummy is dancing the salsa. Well, it's not really amazing, because you can't see or hear me.
I just want to make it clear that I am not in the habit of having late night Dalwhinnie binges. In fact, that was a one off - don't know what got into me!

Never again! As one so frequently says.
I still feel decidedly "disconnected", but I'm attributing that to the jetlag - couldn't possibly be the Dalwhinnie, 36 hours later, could it?