Just back from Barcelona...well, last week anyway...and I have to say that I would have much preferred Crete. I love the Greeks (Turks too) and don't think I'll be back to Spain. I've had some great holidays there, but the Greeks (and the Turks) just seem so much nicer. There seemed to be a bit of the "rip-off Britain" attitude creeping in. Just my opinion, of course.
So it'll be Greece or Turkey for me next year, probably. I may even look up an old bar, where I crowned my poor, poor drinking career with a all night (and some of the morning) 10 pint session, and a heap load of singing with a wee Irish duet (called Orchid, I believe) and my bestestest holiday mate, Stavros (no stereotypical names for me !)...Sweet Home Alibama seemed to get particularly murdered, if I remember correctly even faintly !
All together now...Big wheel keeps on turnin,