LOL, so true, Tom, and if you're particular about using "proper" English, don't ever create a document in Word with US English as the default language and spell checker turned on to automatic. You'll end up with lots of "z" words and goodness only knows what else. English is such a spelling mess, isn't it? I'd hate to have to learn to write it as a foreign language.
Malcolm, my uncle's name was James Campbell. He was a solicitor, and his firm was
Jas Campbell & Co. There's a little bit about him at the bottom of the page. I hardly knew him, though. The rest of the family were quite close, but Jim tended not to get involved unless there was family business to attend to - oops, to which to attend. I'm sure your mum would at least have known of him. People have varying opinions of solicitors, though, to say the least - I know, my dad was a solicitor in a small country town.