Beau Peep Notice Board
Beau Peep Notice Board => Outpourings => Topic started by: Diane CBPFC on September 13, 2023, 06:29:49 PM
What are you all doing or looking forward to this fall? Anything you have not tried before?
I signed up for an international cooking class (fun level), started water aerobics yesterday, read the book for the upcoming library book/movie event and am considering joining floor curing. I am saving seeds from my garden almost daily (planted 10 kinds of sunflowers this year) and am thinking of finishing it up for the year, digging up the spuds and leaving it tidy. The calf ate my strawberry transplants so that is one less job lol
I am looking forward to starting feeding the birds (will wait for snow but have already stocked up on sunflower seed) and watching Slow Horses season 3
I think we should have a Beau Peep online festival, it would involve reading the books and cooking with mince - the idea needs to be flushed out.
Good grief, Diane, when do you sleep?
I never tempt fate by planning any more than a week ahead. It's worked reasonably well so far.
Floors need curing? Who knew?
I can't grow anything. A friend brought me a plant as a home-warming gift when I moved into my current abode (with no garden...yay! :D) . I really tried... too hard... and over-watered it to a premature death. She bought me a replacement, which looks lovely on my windowsill, and is so far doing absolutely fine after about 6 months. It's plastic, of course.
I've recently binge-watched every episode (49 x 29 minutes) of 'Inside No. 9', and enjoyed almost all of them. And 'Apollo 13' for what must be at least the 13th time by now... which might also be tempting fate.
I'd be up for a Beau Peep Festival, although when you say "cooking WITH mince"... Hmmmm.
I will have to give inside #9 another go.
That was meant to be curling - I'm not sure if I will do that or not - the aquasize is a bit of a time conflict and that seems to be doing my frozen shoulder some good so I will keep with that.
I always feel like joining everything in the fall, the start of the new (school) year but then winter sets in with the icy roads and dark nights and I think things are pretty good at home these days with the streaming TV and library books you can download without leaving the house.
Diane, I have to start by echoing Steve's question about when you actually sleep. I'm exhausted just hearing about your Autumnal plans. Also, like Steve, I seldom have the courage to plan ahead. At my age, being able to open my eyes in the morning is a bonus. Normally, around this time of year, my wife and I might be looking forward to a week in the Portuguese sun. With a granddaughter to look after three or four days a week, this ain't gonna happen.
In short, my plans for this Autumn are to nap on my couch as often as possible. I'm more than happy with that!
Do you still play golf Roger? I'm getting an image of Andy Capp on the couch, please tell me you haven't started wearing a cap?
Yes, I still play golf---more Pussycat Woods than Tiger Woods.
I still have a flat cap that I bought in 1975 though I seldom wear it these days. Back then, I had long hair and thought it looked cool. It didn't.
I read cat flap instead of flat cap, probably because you introduced the visual picture of Pussycat Woods.
I will have to give inside #9 another go.
That was meant to be curling - I'm not sure if I will do that or not - the aquasize is a bit of a time conflict and that seems to be doing my frozen shoulder some good so I will keep with that.
I always feel like joining everything in the fall, the start of the new (school) year but then winter sets in with the icy roads and dark nights and I think things are pretty good at home these days with the streaming TV and library books you can download without leaving the house.
Oh, but floor curing is an actual thing, Diane (I Googled it), and I'm now a little disappointed that wasn't what you meant - it sounds like the kinda crazy thing you'd set out to master. I'm now also a little concerned that floor curling may actually be the act of adopting the foetal position on the nearest available floor in order to improve posture or similar, and not actually be the following new indoor version of one of our national sports...
Curling on ice is much more popular here than floor curling, but I don't stand up in skates so its not for me. Floor curling is aimed at people 50+
I don't think I am up to curling up on the floor either plus I'd hate to see what was under the couch.
I did buy a couple of Curly Wurlys on my last trip to the city, I'm saving them for a special occasion.
That's all I have to say about curls
Curling on ice is much more popular here than floor curling, but I don't stand up in skates so its not for me.
I'm going to take the risk that you may not have been jesting here, Diane, and dare to point out that curlers don't actually wear ice skates.
I do speak from a modicum of experience from my school days, when we were allowed to try out the sport at the local ice rink in Perth for a few weeks. You wear purpose made shoes (or at least a slip on cover for one of your own trainers) on the ice. One sole is slippy, and the other (with the cover) is not and grips the ice. If memory serves, the slippy sole is the one on the opposite foot to your dominant hand which releases the stone. If I'm wrong, then that would explain why I didn't last very long at this sport. The contrasting soles have the effect of each player seemingly mimicking the riding of a child's scooter (sans scooter) as they propel themselves from one end of the rink to the other, with their dominant foot 'pedalling' to one side as the other foot glides.
Ironically, I'd possibly have been more successful had I worn my ice hockey skates back then, as I was infinitely more steady on the ice wearing them than the curling regulation footwear. The floor curling looks like fun, but for me the best bit about the ice version was the slide when it was your turn to launch a stone, as you tried to keep your balance with a broom in your other arm whilst attempting to look graceful as you slide forward, crouched low, with your legs positioned as near to the splits as anyone (particularly males) would ever feel comfortable with outside of a gymnasium or circus tent, and your trailing foot twisted on the ice at an ankle-breaking angle. Having no ice would really take all the fun out of that.
It wasn't until many years after my dabble in the sport that I discovered the reason they call it 'The Roaring Game' is because of the noise the stones make as they travel across the ice, particularly at bigger events when there are a lot of stones taking part at the same time. I just used to shout a lot.
LOL, I guess I never watched it close enough - I just saw the people sliding. I don't like sliding. Now I'm wondering if you can buy two non-sliding shoe covers to walk on the sidewalk. I will google.
It sounds like you know what you you were doing, that may be a fun thing for you to do again this winter?
I have a friend that joined up to the waterworks, she and I decided to add going to Dairy Queen as an after activity lol
The fall line up is doing my brains in. I did 8 sociable things this past week, ended up going to bed early two nights instead of watching TV because I was peopled out.
I shall have to find a better mix between my hermit life and being a full out social butterfly.
My getting out and about in the world and being sociable is growing in bounds, if people see you do something then they invite you to something else.
I'm peopleing like its the 1980s
We've been looking after our granddaughter for three days and nights now. Her parents return from Spain today after they went to a big art do where my son-in-law was up for a portrait award. He didn't win and I'm exhausted. If I hear the wheels on that ******* bus go round one more time, I'm going to scream.
The wheels on the bus got a puncture...sssissss
Ah Roger, I'll see your "Wheels on the bus" and raise you "London Bridge is falling down."
This was played on a plastic disk which slotted into a toy train which trundled over the carpet as it played.
Sounded (not sung) like "London bridge is falling down - choo choo - choo choo" and so on, and on.
My oldest son loved it, there were other disks but London bridge was THE one for him.
I shamefully admit to hiding the batteries, sorry Gavin.
Oh God it's for sale on Fleabay.
Tomy The Tuneyville Choo Choo Train Toy
Thanks for the warning, Max---I'll avoid it!
Just for you, Max, after hours of extensive searching... (no thanks necessary)...
I shamefully admit to hiding the batteries, sorry Gavin.
Batteries can be replaced. I'd have reached for the sledgehammer.
Just for you, Max, after hours of extensive searching... (no thanks necessary)...
Gee thanks Tarqs, only took me 40 years to get rid of the earworm, still, you got to admit it's catchy.
The best thing to come from taking the cooking classes was a renewed interest in cooking.
I never had confidence cooking fish for example, now I do. No more boxes of chipped into shape and battered fish pieces for us.
I made a Pavlova at home - another thing that is really easy to do but looks like an occasion.
Normally I would have put the pumpkin seeds out for the birds but this time I slow roasted them and boy are they tasty.
Yesterday I picked up a package of frozen spinach with the idea of challenging myself to make something great with it.
You get the idea - turning a chore into a hobby :-) I challenge you guys to make something different this week.
I challenge you guys to make something different this week.
BBQ mackerel and pickle sandwich.
I challenge you guys to make something different this week.
BBQ mackerel and pickle sandwich.
Good for you for including the pickle which was celebrated this week on national pickle day
Is there a national "in a pickle" day?
Is there a national "in a pickle" day?
Thankfully people are in a pickle on different days of the year - spreading out the chaos.