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Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Roger Kettle on March 04, 2024, 07:03:49 PM »
Great stories, Tarqs and Diane. I really must get round to doing something interesting I can share on here!
I've just remembered something that happened four or five months ago. One morning, my wife announced that she'd gone to the bathroom during the night and had been greeted by a bat flying around the landing. She hadn't wanted to wake me with the news. When I asked if she was sure she wasn't dreaming, she replied that she didn't think so. This doubt was enough to convince that the event had never happened. Two nights later, she headed up to bed at around 10 p.m., leaving me downstairs watching golf or something. About 30 seconds later, she returned, rather white-faced, to say the bat was flapping around the landing again. I went up to check and there it was, like something out of a horror movie. My wife told me to open the front door and then go back upstairs and chase it out. "Oh, yeah", I responded "like it's going to immediately to fly downstairs and out the door just to help us out?"
It did. We then checked everywhere to make sure a whole batch of them weren't roosting somewhere but the house was clear. We guess that the bat had somehow got into the house and couldn't get out until I obligingly opened the door. As I said, this was around 5 months ago and we haven't seen anything since so we presume it was a one-off visit. I'm rather glad about that...
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Roger Kettle on February 27, 2024, 09:43:42 AM »
Just the appendix scar then?

In case of misunderstanding, that was a reference to Jaws.
I wondered if that was it!
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Diane CBPFC on February 26, 2024, 05:23:06 PM »
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on February 26, 2024, 12:32:42 PM »
Human biology was never your strong point, was it?
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Mince on February 26, 2024, 11:01:45 AM »
Just the appendix scar then?

In case of misunderstanding, that was a reference to Jaws.
Outpourings / Re: Movies at the cinema
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on February 25, 2024, 08:30:55 PM »
Agreed! Even if they did cut the best song from the movie.
Outpourings / Re: Movies at the cinema
« Last post by Diane CBPFC on February 25, 2024, 03:12:25 PM »
Best Christmas movie EVER!
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on February 25, 2024, 11:53:58 AM »
Oh plastic carrier bags are all the rage now. At least they are when you remember you left your bags in the car again and have to juggle your groceries out to the car. It's hard saving the planet.

Sylvia Syms, had to look her up - a classic beauty and I see she played the Queen mother in later life, now I'm interested to see a clip of that.

About nick-knacks, there is a youth organization here 4H that works with mostly farm kids, teaches them how to raise a cow, give a speech etc. They are known for giving engraved glass mugs to the judges as a thank you.

I told my daughter that I am judging the 4H speeches this weekend and she asked, are you that desperate for a mug?, and I said, no they were.  This went over her head not knowing that meaning of the word mug.


The movie was 'The Queen', starring Helen Mirren in the eponymous role, Diane. I thought it was an excellent film, set during the aftermath of Princess Diana'a death. You can spot Sylvia in the trailer (see link below) a couple of times, but I recommend watching the movie. I think it appeals to monarchists and republicans alike.
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Mince on February 24, 2024, 05:45:07 PM »
Just the appendix scar then?
Outpourings / Re: fame?
« Last post by Roger Kettle on February 24, 2024, 09:14:01 AM »
Great stories, Tarqs and Diane. I really must get round to doing something interesting I can share on here!
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