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Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Mince on May 09, 2024, 02:51:19 PM »
My favourite YouTube reviewer, The Critical Drinker (from Scotland), has nothing but praise for the show. Gee, I might have to watch it.

I'll watch the show with my wife and at the end tell her, "Did you know that that man there, Richard Gadd, the star and writer, was a friend of Roger's son, so Roger can now tell him that he's had someone genius and famous like me watching his show."
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 07, 2024, 01:33:23 PM »
The Sunday Times recommended Granite Harbour, saying that it had a brilliant cast. They were not quite so enthusiastic about the series itself. That pretty much summed up my own thoughts.

And mine, Roger. I suspect being restricted to three episodes per series didn't help, and possibly the reason you saw very little of the principle characters' background lives. Hopefully they'll get more time and better scriptwriters for the next one... if there is one. Still enjoyed it enough to get to the end, though I've no recollection of most of the plot of either series after less than a week. Nice to see lots of the location shots for the Aberdeen tourist industry, although Traces did that better for Dundee (but also a bit of a patchwork script).

I'm still not sure which way I'm going to go with Baby Reindeer, but I'm determined to get to at least the penultimate episode after Stephen King's glowing recommendation.
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on May 07, 2024, 09:42:04 AM »
As I mentioned earlier, I haven't seen any of Baby Reindeer but it's clearly one of those "love it or loathe it" shows.
The Sunday Times recommended Granite Harbour, saying that it had a brilliant cast. They were not quite so enthusiastic about the series itself. That pretty much summed up my own thoughts.
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 06, 2024, 08:57:17 PM »
I've just finished watching episode 2. I think any tv series has made me feel so uncomfortable and anxious before in my life. It's totally weird.

I binge-watched both series of Granite Harbour last week, in preparation for my trip to Pittodrie on Saturday. No contest as to which was the more entertaining by a country mile (although watching the grandkids developing a gambling addiction at Codona's Amusement Park before dragging them off for the match was quite good fun).

Hannah looks exactly how I remember her Mum from around 40 years ago.
Outpourings / Re: May 5 th National Cartoonist Day!
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 06, 2024, 08:50:02 PM »
I'm waiting for National Retired Cartoonist Day.

Whilst I'm fervently hoping to avoid that one at all costs!

Thank you, Diane. I had a very pleasant day drawing Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage... as you do.
Outpourings / Re: May 5 th National Cartoonist Day!
« Last post by Roger Kettle on May 06, 2024, 09:48:01 AM »
I'm waiting for National Retired Cartoonist Day.
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Roger Kettle on May 06, 2024, 09:46:42 AM »
By the way, the author Stephen King, is now raving about Baby Reindeer. In a hugely complimentary essay, he wrote that the penultimate episode of the series is one of the best things he's ever seen on television OR film. High praise indeed.
Outpourings / Re: May 5 th National Cartoonist Day!
« Last post by Mince on May 05, 2024, 07:38:25 PM »
What about Roger and Tarks?
Outpourings / May 5 th National Cartoonist Day!
« Last post by Diane CBPFC on May 05, 2024, 05:57:49 PM »
So I thought I. on behalf of the CBPFC, would pop in and wish our favourite cartoonists a happy day. :-)
Outpourings / Re: Baby Reindeer.
« Last post by Tarquin Thunderthighs lll on May 05, 2024, 10:49:55 AM »
Move over Hollywood---our wee village is taking over!
Admittedly, as a two-time winner of 'Town's Most Apathetic Resident' and sole curator of 'Local Celebrities I Couldn't Care Less About', I ought to point out that this kind of naive jingoistic banner-waving hometown love is what leads ultimately to intertown Christmas-decoration fights, re-enactments of flower-arranging battles or even, at its worst, supporting Dundee United.

Don't forget reigning champion for at least a decade of 'Resident Who Most Exemplifies The Town Name's Only Anagram'.

How's the weather in Newark this morning?

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