Unlike most of Australia, I do not own a barbeque. We always get invited to other peoples, so we never found the need to have one of our own.
Roger, if we lived in Scotland we would allow you to invite us to your barbeque, and we would bring our own sausages.
On the subject of sausages, Australian sausages are rubbish. They tend to be large, about the size of German bockwurst, and taste of preservative or some kind of awful spice or something.
When I came to the UK not too long ago, I overloaded on the British sausages because I hadn't tasted anything that nice in a long time.
There is a growing industry here in "British" meat, i.e. cured or prepared in the Brit style, and Aussies are coming over to it, but the standard barbie still consists of Aussie steak (often delicious) and Aussie "snags" (sausages) invariably served in a hot dog bun. They're crapola and you have to smother them in tomato sauce, but generally by the time you've arrived at a barbie you'll eat anything.