Nice work Mince. One day, when I'm suitably miffed at the world, I'll explain my "Stupidity is the new normal" theory. It has less to do with stupidity itself, more the perception of stupidity. My premise being that as stupidity becomes more prevalent the problem shifts from those who are stupid, to those who question the stupidity. Something to look forward to.
As an example, I was the bad guy when I pointed out to a supplier that of the four invoices he has to send me each year, three were wrong and returned to him. Apparently I should have just paid the incorrect amounts and ignored the lack of dates/invoice reference etc.
Websites are the same. We make them more and more simple to use, which eradicates the need to think, and increases the likelihood that eventually AI will consider us obsolete.
My apologies for the diatribe, apparently I am more miffed than I thought.