21 down and 9 to go - radiation therapy treatments, that is. Gone pretty quickly actually, despite the machine breaking down a couple of times and having to wait. The staff are all lovely and apparently I'm good at getting myself in the right position, so once I get in there, it's pretty quick. No major side effects. Skin still okay - being a good girl and rubbing in lots of cream. Bit of indigestion, but doc's given me some pills for that. I do sleep a lot, but that's normal and will apparently get worse - just tiredness, nothing like the fatigue with the chemo. Feeling pretty good, really.
I know to preserve a little bit of my dignity I shouldn't share this with you, but I thought it was very funny and if you can't laugh at yourself, there's something terribly wrong. I was telling a friend how I had to lie on the board and she immediately came out with, "You"re like a cow, Joan, udder hanging down ready to be milked!"
With that image, I will now leave ... no I won't, just wanted to say one more thing.
I wish all the best to those who are embarking on a new project today, UK time. Break a leg, etc.