The site received this email today:
I have been a devoted fan of Beau et al since I served in Oman where our hero was featured in the Oman Daily Observer.
My consulting Psychiatrist believes that, following my recent lobotomy, renewed exposure to Beau could put my condition into perspective for the Review Board and may, possibly, lead eventually to my being granted a provisional release into the community on the grounds that there are far worse cases out there already.
Providing I don't have to spend much of my pocket money and you promise not to tell my mother, I would like to propose and second myself for Lifetime honorary membership of your learned society, or whatever it is.
Per ardua ad nauseum
Lowrents of Arabia and Wigan
(Formerly Adjutant Fort Soixante-Neuf)
I forwarded it to the secretary, Mince, but I haven't heard whether the applicant has been accepted yet.