Tarks, I had two sent back just now, one is a Sikh off-licence owner advising a customer that the Jack Daniels is on special (punchline is "INDIAN SPIRIT GUIDE") and the other is a cartoon rendition of Captain Kirk from Star Trek. The Captain Kirk isn't a caricature, it's just a bloke with brown hair wearing a gold t-shirt (no Star Trek Logo) plus the black half-mast pants and boots they all wore on the Enterprise.
Neither one of these breaks any copyright or trademark laws, but it's not a battle worth fighting, I'll just send them back with the "corrections" made, although the Captain Kirk now is un-submittable because the whole premise of the gag is that it's a (perfectly permissible) parody of Star Trek.
This all reminds me of a thread we had on the Wisen at least ten years ago when one member objected to the words "singing doo-wop" as it was an offensive racial slur against Italians.
The cartoonist was incensed that he was being labelled a racist by some idiot who obviously had never heard the term 'doo-wop' as a popular musical genre. The argument went on for pages.