I've just noticed that it's nearly a year since anyone has posted on here so I thought I'd break the silence with a question and answer session. Um..with myself.
Q. What is Horace's second name?
A. I have no idea.
Q. Where and when is the strip set?
A. Probably Wyoming in the 1870s but anachronisms abound.
Q. Why are you so damned good-looking?
A. Oh, you rascal!
Q. Do you regret calling the strip "A Man CAlled Horace"?
A. Yes. I originally thought it was a rather amusing pun but the Richard Harris film, "A Man Called Horse", is not nearly as well known as I believed.
Q. Who is your favourite character in the strip?
A. Granny.
Q. Have you ever had a hole-in-one at golf?
A. Actually, I've had two.
Q. Ater 22 years, do you find it difficult to write Horace strips?
A. I found it difficult after 22 days.
Q. Where do you get your ideas from?
A. Diane Haskell, Alberta, Canada.