Shucks - coming from two such luminations of the cartoon world, I'm blushing down to my open-toed sandals.
I used a similar method to Malc, I think - a kind of reverse process of elimination. The clues were all there. The first question had to be "if I had a what?", and your stressing of the word "I" implies an expressed ownership of said item by someone other than Andy in the first picture. The second question had to be what item produces kindling, since the phraseology implies that the item would be used for that purpose. The obvious answer would have been an axe and a log, but thinking along comedy lines, the supplier of the wood was (from the tone of Andy's sentence) more likely to be the source of some annoyance to him, so much so that he would wish to see it destroyed. Not being a guitarist, I wasn't thrown by the pluck word as Malcolm appears to have been, and indeed any time I have ever picked up such an instrument, the word 'pluck' more than covers the sound that I managed to create. Putting all the elements together left me with a guitarist singing about having a chopper, which didn't really make any sense. But once I sang the first four words, "If I had a...", the penny instantly dropped and it all became clear, being unfortunately old enough to be all too familiar with the classic hit song. I laughed like the proverbial drain. I chose Chalky because I thought the image of Flo with a guitar to be most unlikely, but of course it works much better with a busker.
So there you have it - a lucky guess really.