Gosh, it's been quiet here.
My own lack of input has been mainly due to a family bereavement. Well, not exactly family, but as near as it can possibly come. Jim had been a huge part of my life since I was about five. I'm sure I mentioned all this a couple of years ago when his wife, Irene, died but they were a special couple to me. They weren't blood relatives but, coming as I do from a small family, they meant everything to me. I spent something like 45 Christmases in their company and these are the memories I will cherish. I'm guessing that, at the moment, Jim will have taken his malt whisky and his cigar to the "Smoking" cloud.
Okay, enough of the gloom.
Diane, as Queen of the Beau Peep site and everything you survey, how about coming up with an idea for this year's Christmas competition? You come up with the question/task and I'll come up with the prize.