Book arrived. Special Edition...true enough. Only for sale in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and now a small village in East Dunbartonshire.
My thoughts on Rick may have been spookily accurate. Out of a private car "sprang" a chap, who looked as if he should have been holding half a polystyrene cup and mumbling, "Any spare change? Have a nice day, Sir". A guess at his age would be early 1800's. Mercifully, he made it up the long, arduous, 2 car length driveway. A knock at the door was quickly answered and I had my long awaited book. I felt obliged to make conversation.
Sandy..."Busy this weather then, buddy?"
RickShaw..."Nope. Dead."
Now at this point conversation stopped since I didn't know whether his second word described how business was or his actual physical state. Mind you, he must have been a great drummer in his youth judging by the rattle of his stylus as he tried to get the right sign in box up on his wee machine. But the signing was done, the book was officially mine and off Rick shuffled. If he hasn't reached his car by Friday, I shall throw him a jeely piece.
Amazon prime, here we come.