My wife wants me to watch the Twilight films, and given that I have steadfastly refused to watch any of them up till now, I am hoping to continue that tradition for the rest of my life. I remember a short review of the books: "Yes, we get it. Edward is hot. Move on!"
I have just been told by my wife that Edward (presumably the hot one) is a vampire, and Jacob (don't care) is a werewolf.
So I said to my wife: "Could the author not decide whether to make the books about vampires or werewolves, so she decided to just do both? That's about as stupid as having the Titanic sinking, and having . . . (had a quick think) zombies running around killing everyone." And then I realised that that would actually be a film I would like to watch. Zombies on the Titanic.
So does anyone else have two films that could be combined into one much better film?