« Last post by Diane CBPFC on June 21, 2024, 03:55:35 PM »
I do have a special hat for the garden, maybe a little wider in the brim than hers, but I call it my "Vera" hat. Perfect hat, keeps out the UV, has a string for when its windy, and can be thrown in the washing machine which is needed quite often even though it is dark green.
Last night I didn't need to cover things up. I am really happy with how things are coming along, my visiting son said it is the best it has ever looked. There is some damage so I am waiting to see what survives.
I have some tiny poppy seedling started that I am hoping to have grow and make pods by the end of the season - fancy types I bought online such as blue and pepperbox. It is much better to buy big plants at the greenhouse the first year but the choice of colours is limited.
Anyway I am back in the garden. Haven't attracted a hummingbird yet.