I recently discovered
this website which I think is reasonably fun/interesting for a game.
You create a country (name, etc.) and answer a few questions to start off with, which basically determines the starting point of your country (whether you're a liberal utopia or a soulless pleb-crushing dictatorship, or somewhere in between).
Then once a day a new "issue" arises, where you have to choose one of three stances to take regarding that issue. Pop back the next day to see how your decision changed the nation, and to deal with today's new issue.
It's mildly amusing, totally exaggerated, and not at all time-consuming. Just a quick visit each day (perhaps after the Beau Peep Trivia Challenge), and if you miss a day, well, it saves up issues so you can deal with them all at once if you like.
There's a more complicated system with different regions and assemblies, but I'm not interested in that. I thought it might be fun though if a bunch of us from here all started our own countries. If you like, we could also create a new region called "Beau Peep", and we'd basically be able to just have a look at each other's countries, and compare Diane's peaceful democracy with Tark's evil empire, that sort of thing.
You do have to register, but it doesn't require your email address or any other personal details.
Finally, here's a link to
my country