I love watching movies in Australia. The multiplexes seem to be empty when I go, and I often have the theatre to myself.
I've gone (on occasion) when the cinema was full-ish and the behaviour wasn't too bad, though it is obvious that the modern generation have no idea of how to behave in company - they act as though they are in their own front room.
One story that came to me second hand from a couple of friends, was of a group of teenagers who had been making a nuisance of themselves throughout the beginning of the main movie, totally disregarding the fact that there were about a hundred other movie-goers trying to watch the flick. Somebody launched a full carton of coke at them and it smacked one right in the face. The movie was stopped, ushers and management appeared, no-one identified the thrower, various people stood up and denounced the teenagers, listing their crimes, teenagers were all escorted out and the movie resumed.
As the Aussies say: Swoit.