Seeing as things are a little quiet on the Beau Peep board, I thought I'd share this off-topic item with youse all.
Queensland is great if you like sweating and mosquitoes. I got eaten alive by mozzies at Thursday night's training and eventually had an allergic reaction to the attacks. I awoke Friday night with incredible itching of the scalp and welts all over my body. I thought I had chickenpox, and drove to the local hospital's emergency dept at 5am.
Five hours later, doped to the eyeballs with antihistamines and steroids, I coached my team through their game and can't remember a thing about it. We lost 3-0, played like cr@p, and I wasn't the slightest bit bothered.
My wife tells me that I was rambling in my sleep (she found clumps of gorse still stuck to my boots) during the night.
It's only now, some four days later, that I can remember events, and (unusually for me) I have been eating like a horse. Maybe that's the steroids.
Anyone have any illness stories?