Now I'm not the sportiest person in the world, but I like to think I know a bit. What I do realise though, is that some things will always escape me. Like the point of Formula E !!
It's like motor racing for the deaf. No car engine what's the point? And they get to change cars halfway round the circuit. Why? It's 2015, by God. We can stick a probe into space that will send pictures back from 60 gazillion miles away, using no more than the static electrical power from rubbing a balloon against a cheap jumper, and these pillocks play swapsies with a supposed racing car after a scoot around the block! Really.
They had the cheek to send out the safety car. I was expecting a Sinclair C5, remote controlled by someone from the sidelines. If they put some jumps in the middle of the track, I may watch it again. If they put in an "old ladies crossing ahead" hazard, I may watch again. Until then, they can stick their battery toys where the sun don't shine. Mind you, it'll take two goes at it to get to the finishing point.