As I'm sure you all know, there are several cartoonists who visit this site and, like me, they are all obscenely rich. I, myself, own a mansion in Scotland, a villa (with beach) in Portugal, a ranch in Montana and about two thirds of Latvia. I will not disclose the real name of Tarquin Thunderthighs lll but the man has billions. Not only does he light his cigars with a twenty pound note, he lights the twenty pound note with a fifty pound note. The Peepmaster has a castle on Bute---only because the west coast of Scotland is a handy spot to launch your yacht towards Jamaica (which he owns). Malky McGookin emigrated to Australia and is now Prime Minister and owner of all the goldmines in Ginganggoorlie. I doubt if, between us, we work four hours a week.
I felt it was time that you, the public, knew the truth about cartooning.