Good God! Scotland won! (The rugby against Australia) That was unexpected - just as well I get to choose who I go for after it's over.
Good on you Scotland, although by the looks of it, it was more a case of Australia being a shadow of their former selves than Scotland excelling.
We're expecting a high of 41C today, so the air conditioning was on very early, before the house heats up - an unusual occurrence. As I type, I'm watching toh standing in the pool scrubbing the walls - he's gesturing to me to come out - if he thinks I'm getting in with him, he's got another thing coming. He wanted sunscreen and a hat, so it must be bad - not the most sensible when protecting his skin, my husband.
I'm pretty good - you're all doing a good job of making me laugh, as are other friends, some intentionally, some unintentionally. Will feel a lot better after Tuesday, when I get the pathology results, either way, but keeping my fingers crossed that they're as good as they can be.
I'm laughing right now at my oh, waving sheepishly from the empty spa, his Akubra on his head and the only other thing he has on are Speedos. I would comment more, but I'd get into trouble. He can laugh at me later, when I get into the full spa to cool down. Although I've just been out to help him put acid in the water and it's not pleasant out there - supposed to cool down later with what we Sydneysiders call a southerly buster - the wind changes to coming from the South which is the cool one down here and usually brings storms with it.