Was it something embarrasing?
It depends on how quickly you say it, really. There I was, in the doctor's surgery eight days ago, sitting with my swollen right leg displaying an angry red rash from top to bottom, that had appeared virtually overnight, taking up to ten minutes of agonising ritual to prepare before I could even ground my foot in any attempt to walk, and after two days of extreme fatigue, nausea and headaches. The doc's eyes lit up when he saw my leg, and gleefully declared it as an absolutely classic case of Cellulitis. I ask you!
Strong antibiotics were prescribed, but nothing could take away the pain of the embarrassing name, and the thought of what the kids would be spreading throughout the village the next day. In the event, the condition worsened considerably overnight, and the hospital visit followed another quick trip to my GP. Five days of rest and IV treatment later, the leg is almost back to normal, as my life. Sadly, they're still calling it Cellulitis...
Sam took photos of the leg. They're
much more impressive than the ones on Wikipedia. I'm thinking of sending them in - I've always wanted to be on Wikipedia.