Roger, I realise that this will take time, but slow and steady...
first you have to know that so-called BB code allows you to use the square brackets -[ ] (top right of the main keyboard) to copy and paste stuff.
if you stick those brackets outside the letters "img" you can copy and paste an image.
if you stick the brackets outside the word "quote" you can copy and paste a quote.
The problem is that if we actually write an example of the code, it WILL activate, so we have to deliberately write the code wrongly when we want to demonstrate it to an
imbecile esteemed colleague.
If I want to copy and paste "Billy Big Bot eats snails a lot" I have to highlight it and paste it within these two square bracketed words-
Billy Big Bot eats snails a lot
Note that the SECOND bracket has a back slash in front of the word "quote" . Also note that I left a gap between that back slash and the actual word. The code is now activated.
The good news is you don't really have to concern yourself with all this, as the menu above does it all for you. Just highlight a sentence and click on the "B" top left and the code will surround the sentence making it
BoldNow, using
EXACTLY THE SAME PRINCIPLE go to the site which is showing the You Tube video, and highlight the URL up in the address bar, then copy it (Ctrl C)
Then, pull up this site, click on "reply" and in the reply box click "Ctrl V" The URL will appear there. You also have to write a little message to accompany it otherwise an error message will come up saying there's nothing there, but the video should load automatically - no square boxes needed, this site is configured to play videos without us entering BB code.